Austin Carlile (Of Mice & Men) se somete a un duro tratamiento médico

of mice and men

El vocalista Austin Carlile, fundador de Of Mice & Men, ha confirmado a través de su cuenta de Instagram que se someterá a un duro tratamiento para combatir el síndrome de Marfan.

Esta enfermedad rara provoca dolor crónico en músculo y articulaciones, así como otros síntomas como miopía o delgadez. “Mi equipo ha descubierto que los ligamentos de mi cuerpo se están deteriorando más rápido de lo esperado, así que esa ha sido la raíz de algunos de mis problemas y de muchos de mis dolores” confiesa.

El proceso se alargará de dos a tres meses, y esperamos que Austin Carlile se recuperé cuanto antes para poder verle sobre los escenarios y disfrutar de su música otra vez. ¡Ánimos!

Today’s view: Been inactive on Instagram (my “Facebook” is fake) lately because I have actually been inactive. Recently started another (hopefully final) spinal treatment here in Costa Rica. This procedure is 1x a week for 2-3 months… each week a series of 12-24 shot injections into my spinal chord, muscle, & ligaments from my legs, up to hips, then, low and middle back, to repair all my ligaments in the area, plus weekly IV’S to go with it! My team recently discovered that the ligaments in my body are deteriorating faster than expected and this has been a root of some of my problems and a lot of my PAIN. So I’m taking this next #MarfanSyndromeTreatment head on! Will be a rough few weeks ahead but I have faith! God give me strength and lets go! 🕊🕊🕊 I will be overcoming and recovering from this before seeing some of you THIS Summer! ☺😉 /// Living with #MarfanSyndrome is tough, but we are stronger… “Marfans means dealing with constant daily pain, people dealing with it must have a full reserve of strength” -Melissa Hormanski 💪❤ I love you guys!!! And thank you for the support as always and I’m sorry I haven’t been able to reach out to you all lately, excited to share more about this Summer though! 😉 ❤ Un agradecimiento especial a todos en Costa Rica que me ayudan ORAN por mí el vendrá pronto! Dios bendiga! 🕊🕊🕊 @themarfanfoundation @marfansyndromeawareness #MarfanSyndromeAwareness

Una publicación compartida de Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) el

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